Thursday, October 23, 2008

Jack and the baby

So despite the fact that I really want to have this baby I'm concerned that he will be born so close to Jack's birthday. For a while Jack thought that if the baby was born before his birthday that the baby would be older than him. I think that he has gotten over that but he may not understand that if this baby comes before his birthday we will have to re evaluate the birthday plans. Jack has been planning for some time to spend his birthday celebration at Chucky Cheese. He also has wanted a hamburger cake. Everytime we are at Albertsons we have to stop at the bakery to see the cake decorated like a hamburger complimented with french fries. At first I thought -"I could do that" but honestly I just don't have the energy or desire to do anything right now and I guess that includes trying to make a special hamburger cake for my Jack. So last night I was talking to the kids about the baby and I asked Jack "what if the baby is born on your birthday?" He got pretty excited and said that I could I give the baby to him as a present and put him in a box so he could open the box but that I would have to put holes in the box so the baby could breath. Its a good thing he remembered the holes.

And just so that you know because Jack is very excited and has been counting down the days :

4 more days !!!


Sean & Julia Johnson.... said...

wow- that cake rocks my world :) & I've already started getting email reminders for his birthday! Isn't life so exciting when your about to be 5?

Michelle said...

This is an awesome cake. Tell Jack we are so excited for his birthday. And for your sake, we hope the baby comes the day AFTER Jack's birthday!

kellibattraw said...

I love that cake, maybe I should request it for my birthday this year. : ) And, thank goodness for the holes!